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A daily podcast of sacred and mindful meditations to help you encounter the divine presence of God throughout your day.

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Nov 30, 2023

1 John 4:11-12

This meditation from the fourth chapter of 1st John will help you learn to recognize moments to serve, opportunities to care, and possibilities to show love through divine encounters with God.

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Who is God calling you to love and care for...

Nov 29, 2023

Philippians 1:3

This meditation from Philippians 1 is a contemplation on finding consolation in the truth that God is still at work in you — finding comfort in the assurance that God is not done with you yet.

Does Encounter help you experience the hope of the Lord?  Please consider giving!

When hard times loom, where...

Nov 28, 2023

Romans 1:20

This meditation is about learning to embrace the divine comfort of God that is so vital for your life and your well-being.

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In what ways has God comforted you...

Nov 27, 2023

Romans 6:23

This meditation from Romans 6:23 will help you be more mindful of God’s precious gift of time.  It is designed to help you center on the best way to spend the time you have.

Does Encounter help you use your time wisely?  Please consider giving!

What small things do you waste the most time...

Nov 26, 2023

Proverbs 16:24

"Inner speech" can reveal our private desires, distractions, and disappointments. This meditation will help you better understand the power we have over shaping our thoughts when we talk to ourselves.

Does Encounter help you find peace?  Please consider giving!

What do you tell yourself?  How are you...