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A daily podcast of sacred and mindful meditations to help you encounter the divine presence of God throughout your day.

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Nov 30, 2024

Psalm 37:4

The theme for this meditation is alignment. We'll learn how to call on God to balance your longings with His and to align your desires with his delight.

Does Encounter help you align your will with the Lord's?  Please consider giving!

Is there an area of your life out of alignment with the Lord's...

Nov 29, 2024

Luke 6:37

The theme for this meditation from Luke 6 is being seen.  Focus on being mindful of our actions so that others see the peace of God in what we say and what we do.

Does Encounter help you find peace?  Please consider giving!

What persecution have you faced? How did you...

Nov 28, 2024

Psalm 9:1

The theme for this meditation from Psalm 9 is thanksgiving.  Today, we'll ponder thanksgiving as a verb more than a noun-- something you do more than an event you attend.

Does Encounter help you find peace?  Please consider giving!

How can you help someone in a season of...

Nov 27, 2024

Romans 8:37

The theme for this meditation is love in the face of accusation. Today, we'll learn to turn towards the love of God, even when facing hardship.   

Does Encounter help you turn to God in times of hardship?  Please consider giving!

How have you responded to false...

Nov 26, 2024

Ephesians 2:8-9

The theme for this meditation is grace.  Today, we will learn to be mindful of our actions so that others see the mercy and grace of God in all that we say and do. 

Does Encounter help you experience God's grace?  Please consider giving!

How do others see God's mercy and grace in...