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A daily podcast of sacred and mindful meditations to help you encounter the divine presence of God throughout your day.

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Dec 31, 2023

Matthew 5:5

It is my prayer that this meditation will bring you closer to the Lord to discover that He lives in you.    

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What words would you choose to describe Jesus? Do they describe...

Dec 30, 2023

1 John 4:7 

This meditation is a reflection on the love of God. His love is shown through His only Son, who is truly unique-- the only one of His kind. 

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How do you know when someone loves...

Dec 29, 2023

Philippians 4:19

This guided audio meditation can become a memorial for you to come to over and over and be reminded that the Sovereign Lord is, was, and always will be your great provider.

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How has God provided for you...

Dec 28, 2023

Luke 2:14

In today's meditation from Luke 2, we'll contemplate the feeling of surprise-- being so eager and anxious to break in immediately with the news of something you’ve learned.

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How can you give God the glory...

Dec 27, 2023

Matthew 2:10-11

The theme of this meditation from Matthew 2 is flexibility.  Today, you'll learn to walk through your day while allowing God to work through chance moments and spontaneous encounters with Him. 

Does Encounter help you deepen your relationship with the Lord?  Please consider giving!

Is there a time God...