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A daily podcast of sacred and mindful meditations to help you encounter the divine presence of God throughout your day.

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Aug 3, 2020

Galatians 5:24

In today's meditation, we'll contemplate our longing for healing and find acceptance in the healing that is already ours, as we live by the present Spirit of God.

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Where do you need God's healing...

Jul 31, 2020

Psalm 145:18

This meditation from Psalm 145 reflects on the ecstasy of finding that which you thought was lost, discovering what you thought was distant, is near.

Does Encounter help you draw near to the Lord?  Please consider giving!

What emotions do you experience after finding something you...

Mar 19, 2020

In response to the evolution of Covid-19 and how it has disrupted so much of our daily lives, this meditation is a reading from the Great Litany found in the Book of Common Prayer.